To get the old, deprecated, nodes back, you need to use the Textport. Yes, the Textport!
You always wondered that window was for, well, here is one use for it.
In Textport, type
You will see a popup list of classes of nodes appear
pressing enter now will list every deprecated node - there is a lot of them!
Note: the list in the popup does NOT show the Dop class of nodes. That confused me for a while, but you can still access the old Dop nodes. Here's how:
In Textport, type
opunhide Dop
Now if you press enter, you will get a list of deprecated Dop nodes.
If you want to access the old sourceVolume node, for example, type this in the Textport
opunhide Dop sourcevolume
Now, in the Dynamics context, you should be able to get a sourceVolume node the old version of the volumeSource node.
where the fuck is even the texport